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How to Avoid Blue Light Insomnia?

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How to Avoid Blue Light Insomnia?

Be it adults or children, it has become a common practice among many to use computers and smartphones before going to bed. A 2011 survey showed that nearly 90 percent of Americans used an electronic device in their bedroom within an hour of sleep.

This might not seem such a huge issue, but computers and smartphones emit blue light that can harm your sleep quality and may also lead to insomnia.

Insomnia is the root cause of many health issues such as obesity, hormonal disorders, cardiovascular diseases, and much more.

Keep reading this blog to learn what blue light insomnia is and how you can avoid it.

What Is Blue Light?

Blue light is part of the visible light spectrum and can affect our sleep cycles, hormone production, and other body functions.

It has very high energy and short waves. High energy blue light waves are almost as strong as UV rays and can damage our eyes.

Electronic devices like computers, televisions, and smartphones emit blue light. Fluorescent and LED lights are also sources of blue light.

How Does Blue Light Effect Our Sleep?

Light is the most crucial factor in maintaining our circadian rhythms; these rhythms help our body know when to perform certain functions.

Sunlight and sunset used to be the only sources of light that managed the circadian rhythms; however, with the introduction of artificial light, we are now exposed to more light.

This increased exposure to blue light during nighttime signals our brain to become alert and reduces the melatonin production in the body, which results in blue light insomnia.

How To Avoid Blue Light Insomnia?

Turn Off Devices

The most effective way to avoid blue light insomnia is to switch off all your electronic devices an hour or two before going to bed. This way, your body won’t confuse daytime with nighttime, and you might sleep better.

Use Special Glasses

If you can’t avoid using electronic devices at night, try using them while wearing glasses that block blue light.

Change Your Lamps

Since LED and fluorescent lights also emit blue light, try replacing the lamps and bulbs in your room.

Use natural candles or red or orange lamps to stay safe from blue light.

Go To A Sleep Specialist

Insomnia is a serious sleep disorder that should be treated as soon as possible. Go to a sleep specialist or a doctor who treats sleep disorders. They can guide you on how to get rid of insomnia.

Contact The Best Sleep Specialist in Odessa, TX

If you’re looking for a reliable sleep specialist in Odessa, TX, contact John D. Bray, MD.

He is also known for treating pulmonary issues, allergic rhinitis, and sleep apnea.

Get in touch with us for more information!

By |August 3rd, 2021|Blog|0 Comments

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