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Try These 8 Lifestyle Changes to Reduce Snoring

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Try These 8 Lifestyle Changes to Reduce Snoring

Snoring is a common problem, and almost everyone experiences it occasionally. But if you snore regularly while sleeping, it can cause relationship and health issues. Snoring not only disrupts your sleep, but it is also annoying for your partner as well.

What Causes Snoring

You snore when the tissue surrounding the airway in your nose and throat obstructs the airway and does not allow air to pass freely. Consequently, the surrounding tissues vibrate and produce the snoring sound.

Age, obesity, sleep posture, eating habits, and a generally unhealthy lifestyle can cause snoring. Snoring can aggravate other serious problems like sleep disorders and sleep apnea and requires snoring treatment. It can also be an indicator of an underlying medical condition.

Change Your Lifestyle and Say Goodbye to Snoring

Simple lifestyle changes can greatly reduce snoring within a short time. As specialists in sleep disorder treatment, we recommend the following lifestyle changes to help you get rid of snoring:

1. Reduce Weight

Obesity is a major cause of snoring. Losing a few pounds is not only essential for a healthy lifestyle but also reduces nighttime snoring.

2. Elevate Your Head

There are specially designed pillows available in the market to elevate your head 4 inches compared to your shoulders and lower body. It makes more room for the air to pass through and helps reduce snoring.

3. Try to Sleep on Your Side

People who are habitual of sleeping on their backs develop snoring habits very early as it causes the tissue to block the airway. Sleeping on either side is helpful in reducing or even eliminating a snoring problem.

4. Exercise Daily

Exercise is a great way to tone your throat muscles, open up your airways and strengthen your lungs. There are special exercises too that effectively decrease snoring.

5. Avoid Sedatives, Alcohol and Caffeine

If you want to get rid of snoring, you must stay away from sedatives and alcohol as they relax throat muscles and block the airway.

6. Quit Smoking

Stop smoking! This is another culprit behind excessive snoring as it irritates the air passage.

7. Try to Avoid Eating Dairy Items before Bedtime

Consuming food items that contain dairy and soy milk can increase your chance of snoring at night. Try to avoid them as much as possible.

8. Take Your Last Meal Minimum 2 Hours before Bedtime

Having a meal right before you hit the bed or a heavy dinner may cause excessive snoring. Avoid taking bigger portions at dinner and have your last meal at least 2 hours before sleeping.

Snoring can lead to major health and psychological issues. It can potentially become a major source of discontent between you and your partner. Simple lifestyle changes can help you reduce snoring and contribute to your physical and social wellbeing.

If you have trouble sleeping or are facing other issues due to snoring, we recommend you visit our sleep doctors at Sleep Center of the Southwest. Dr John D. Bray and the rest of our team are here to solve your snoring problem.

Contact us now to get snoring treatment from the best sleep doctors in Texas today. Download and fill out the necessary forms beforehand to make the most of your time at our facility.

To book an appointment, click here.

By |April 21st, 2022|Blog|0 Comments

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