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What is a Sleep Disorder? And How to Deal with It?

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What is a Sleep Disorder? And How to Deal with It?

If you find yourself waking up too early, struggling to fall asleep, or experiencing restless sleep during the night, you may have a sleep disorder. Sleep disorders plague many people from an early age and can be hard to diagnose.

For some people who have insomnia or excessive daytime sleepiness due to an underlying health condition such as narcolepsy or obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), improving their long-term health by treating these conditions may mean getting more quality shut-eye at night.

Fortunately, several proven ways might help you improve your sleeping habits.

Get Into A Routine

Getting into a regular sleep pattern will help you have a better, more restful sleep. If you must get up at the same time every day, it’s much easier to fall asleep at the same time and wake up in the same “pattern.” If you have trouble sleeping, try going to bed and waking up at the same time. Once your body gets used to a routine, it’ll be much easier to fall asleep on time.


Exercise has many benefits, including improvements in cognitive function, muscle strength and endurance, improved mood, and weight control/. And did you know that exercise can improve your sleep? This can be especially helpful for those who have sleep apnea. A good rule of thumb is that if you are tired enough to exercise before bedtime, it will help you sleep better after a workout. Just remember not to exercise too close to bedtime, or it might make it harder to fall asleep with excessive exhaustion.

Keep A Sleep Journal

Keeping a sleep journal is one of the most effective ways to have a better sleep. A sleep journal helps you track your sleep patterns and habits over a week. Keeping a sleep journal will help make you more aware of how you are sleeping because it will be visible to you, and you might be able to spot certain patterns that need to be addressed.

Ask Your Doctor For Help

If your sleep disorder is causing you problems, especially if your quality of life is diminished, you should ask your doctor for help. If you have narcolepsy or sleep apnea, for example, there are treatments available that will make a huge difference in the quality of your life. Consult with one of our sleep specialists to discuss the variety of options available.

Get a Sleep Disorder Doctor in Midland, TX 

If you’re searching for a professional doctor to get rid of your sleep disorder, then John D. Bray MD is the right option for you. We have plenty of experience handling patients with similar problems, so you will be in safe hands.

Get in touch with us today for further details.

By |February 16th, 2022|Blog|0 Comments

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