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5 Common Food Allergies in the US

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5 Common Food Allergies in the US

A food allergy is a medical condition in which harmful immune responses are triggered when you’re exposed to certain food items. The immune system starts attacking the food proteins that are usually harmless. These proteins that activate immune reactions are called allergens. The symptoms can be mild to severe that include difficulty in breathing. Severe cases can cause Anaphylaxis which can be fatal. About 200,000 people require emergency medical care for food allergies in the US yearly.

Approximately 170 different kinds of foods are known to induce allergic reactions among individuals. Here is a guide to the five most common foods that can trigger your food allergy:


About 2%-3% of children under three years of age are sensitive to milk. However, a milk allergy doesn’t mean being lactose intolerant. About 80% of children usually outgrow this allergy before they turn sixteen.


Egg allergy is prevalent among children in the US. It is the second most common food that triggers an allergic reaction. It is mainly the protein in egg white that triggers your immune response, but it’s always better to avoid the whole egg if you’re allergic, as the yolk can also be contaminated.


Another common food allergen is peanuts. Peanut allergies are usually very severe and can trigger Anaphylaxis. It is essential to read the labels carefully and look for any peanut warnings before consuming any locally bought snacks, as peanuts are commonly used in various food items. About 1.1% of the population in the US is allergic to peanuts.


The prevalence of wheat allergy is less than 1%, with about 65% of individuals outgrowing the allergy before 12. Wheat is the most commonly produced grain in the United States. If you’re allergic to wheat, you can still have a variety of foods. However, you need to ensure the source of the grain must be corn, barley, rice, oat, or anything other than wheat.


Soybeans allergy affects only 0.4% of the children in the US. Those allergic to soy are allergic to soy protein too. If you’re allergic to soy, you can tolerate soy oil as it contains minimal protein. Derivatives of soy that are extremely low in soy protein can be endured by those allergic to it.

If you’re looking for one of the best allergy treatment centers in Odessa, John D. Bray MD is your place. If you’re facing any difficulties breathing or sleeping, we provide you with the best medical care possible. Our asthma specialists and allergy specialists in Odessa, TX are well-reputed and offer treatment for snoring, sleep apnea, insomnia, and many other sleep disorders.

Contact us to know more about how different food allergies can be treated.

By |September 10th, 2021|Blog|0 Comments

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