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Allergies, either seasonal or year round can trigger a runny, itchy, stuffy nose; sinus infections; asthma, and sometimes eczema. Although some people think of allergies as just a minor annoyance, experts recognize them as a common health problem. Nasal allergies, also called allergic rhinitis, are the most common allergic diseases in the United States and especially in West Texas and Eastern New Mexico. Symptoms of seasonal allergic rhinitis are periodic and occur or worsen during certain seasons. Common allergens include grass, tree and weed pollens. Year-round, or perennial, allergy symptoms are usually set off by indoor inhaled allergens like dust mites, mold, cockroaches and animal dander. Many patients who suffer from allergic rhinitis have both types, seasonal and perennial.
Seasonal allergy symptoms occur or increase when pollen is released into the air. If you have pollen allergies, your symptoms get worse when the pollen you are allergic to is in the air. Since different types of plants release pollen in different months you may be able to figure out what you are likely allergic to by identifying when your symptoms start. While some allergens are only around for a few months of the year, others are in the air all of the time. The concentration of these allergens will vary. Check out Dr. Bray's pollen, mold, and dust count on Channel 7 (KOSA), the weather channel and this website.
Medicine can usually make an allergy sufferer symptom much better. Most medications that treat nasal allergy symptoms are taken as nasal sprays or pills. Allergy shots (immunotherapy) should be considered by patients who want a more permanent solution to their allergy and asthma problems. Also those who experience a long season of expose to their allergens, those with year round nasal allergy symptoms, those with poor tolerance or response to medications or who do not want to take medicines long term. Immunology is not quick fix, significant improvement usually starts in 4 to 12 months. For sustained, good relief, allergy shots need to be continuous for a minimum 3 years of even better 4-5 years. The good news is that the frequency of their shots goes way down over time, finally out to 4-6 week between injections for most patients.
People who are most susceptible are under 40 and already have an allergic condition such as asthma, eczema and those who have a close relative with allergies. However, you can develop allergic symptoms into old age. Some disappear with time. Skin tests can help determine what you are allergic to, whether it is pollen, dust, mold or food. Staying inside when the pollen or dust count is high, keeping your home clean and dust free as much as possible and avoiding foods that trigger your allergies can help prevent flare-ups. Let our doctor help offer sinus treatments that can give you good relief. John D. Bray, MD. 432-561-8183
In addition to making the proper diagnosis, your doctor should also educate you on the disease and provide you with a take-home plan and teaching material. He should involve the family or others close a pediatric allergic patient, to closely the medical plan put into effect. A visit our allergy doctor will make your child and you more comfortable, knowledgeable and of course healthier.