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Everything You Need to Know About Asthma

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Everything You Need to Know About Asthma

Asthma is a chronic breathing problem that causes inflammation of your airways, making it difficult to breathe. During an asthma attack, the cells lining the airways start producing extra mucus in an attempt to clear the blockage. It’s also known as bronchial asthma.

Every 1 in 13 Americans has asthma.

Symptoms of Asthma

Symptoms differ from one individual to another. You might get rare asthma attacks or experience some symptoms on specific occasions, like when working out.

Asthma symptoms include:

  • Pain in your chest with a feeling of tightness
  • Breathing problems and coughing making it difficult to sleep
  • Shortness of breath
  • Excessive coughing
  • Feeling anxious
  • Wheezing when breathing out

If your symptoms are recurrent or your peak flow meter readings are not up to the mark, or you begin to use inhalers excessively, you need to visit a doctor immediately. The symptoms indicate worsening asthma conditions, and you should seek professional help immediately.

Causes of Asthma

When you’re asthmatic, your trachea becomes hyper susceptible to your surroundings. These triggers can activate symptoms or even make them worse for you. Common triggers include:

  • Strong odors
  • Air pollution
  • Various infections like flu, cold, or sinusitis
  • Excessive exercising
  • Seasonal changes
  • Allergens like dust and mold
  • Cigarette smoke
  • Stress or anxiety
  • Certain medications
  • Food preservatives
  • Gastro-Esophageal Reflux Disease (GERD)

Action Plan during an Asthma Attack

Your specialist could help prepare an action plan for an asthma attack before it occurs. The doctor will guide you on the action plan to follow when your symptoms start to appear.

Apart from the Asthma Action Plan, here are some other accommodating tips:

  • Inform someone about your situation and seek help
  • Don’t panic – Stay calm to avoid worsening your breathing
  • Use an inhaler for a quick relief as per your prescription.
  • If your inhaler doesn’t make any difference in 5-10 minutes, immediately call 911 for help.
  • Continue using your inhaler after ever 5-10 minutes until help arrives.

Never change your asthma prescriptions or change the amount you take unless your doctor has asked you to do so.

Asthma Treatment

Asthma is a widespread disease that affects around 25 million Americans. On average, 10 Americans die from asthma each day, making it a life-threatening medical condition. John D. Bray MD provides you with asthma treatment in Midland, TX.

If you’re facing any difficulties breathing or sleeping, we provide you with the best medical care possible.

We also offer sinus treatment and allergy treatment in Midland, TX. Our specialists are well-reputed and can help treat snoring, sleep apnea, insomnia, and many other sleep disorders.

Contact us to minimize your emergency visits due to frequent asthma attacks.

By |September 1st, 2021|Blog|0 Comments

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