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3 Most Common Allergies Among Children

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3 Most Common Allergies Among Children

Allergies are not uncommon. People of all ages, from kids to adults, suffer from them. More than 50 million Americans experience an allergic reaction every year. In many cases, people aren’t aware that they’re allergic to something until much later in life.

Allergic reactions to eating, inhaling, or touching certain things may cause a person to constantly sneeze, cough, break out in hives, and even have respiratory problems and need emergency medical aid in serious circumstances. Allergy doctors in Midland, TX, have compiled some of the most common allergies among young children.

Food Allergies

According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), food allergies are a growing health concern, with 8% of the children in the United States suffering from atleast one type of food allergy. Eggs, milk, and peanuts are the most common foods that cause an allergic reaction in children. Other major food allergies include wheat, soy, fish, shellfish, and tree nuts. Approximately 90% of all food allergies are caused by one of these foods.

Pollen Allergy

Pollen allergy is also known as ‘hay fever’ and is a seasonal allergic reaction to the pollen grains released by plants every spring, summer, and fall. Most of these pollens come from trees, weeds, and grass. Flowers usually do not cause allergic rhinitis, contrary to popular belief. Between 10 and 30 percent of the world’s population is affected by hay fever.

Pet Allergies

Having a household pet can trigger allergies as well. The pet itself does not usually trigger the allergy but the dead skin cells, saliva, and fur on its body. If your child starts sneezing or wheezing after playing with the pet, it might be good to get them checked out for any animal allergies.

If you’re looking for an allergist in Midland, TX, then we have just the professional for you. Dr. John D. Bray MD is a pediatric pulmonologist and allergy specialist in Midland, TX. He specializes in allergies, asthma, pulmonary conditions, and sleep disorders. He has been certified by the American Board of Asthma, Allergy, and Immunology and the American Board of Sleep Disorders.

So, if you’re having difficulties breathing or sleeping, don’t hesitate and give Dr. John D. Bray MD a call at 432-561-8183 to book your appointment.

By |August 30th, 2021|Blog|0 Comments

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