
Dr. John D. Bray, MD

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3 Reasons You Should Get Medical Help for Your Insomnia

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3 Reasons You Should Get Medical Help for Your Insomnia

Insomnia is a sleeping disorder characterized by symptoms like difficulty falling asleep, difficulty staying asleep, or waking up too early and filing tired. The reasons behind insomnia can range from stress and bad sleeping schedules to mental health disorders. It can be very disruptive and keep you exhausted throughout the day.

If you have insomnia, here’s why you need to get medical help asap.

They Can Determine the Cause of Your Insomnia

According to the American Sleep Association, nearly 50 to 70 million US adults suffer from a sleep disorder, with insomnia being the most common. A major part of treating insomnia is to determine what causes it. A medical professional can suggest a probable cause for your insomnia based on your lifestyle and recommend changes you can incorporate to battle it. Even small changes in your eating habits, sleeping habits, and daily schedule can help.  

They Have the Necessary Knowledge

Sleep disorder therapists or doctors specialize in treating patients suffering from various sleep disorders. They have spent years studying about them, researching them, and have treated several patients experiencing those disorders. They can determine the cause of your insomnia and help you treat it by guiding you on steps you need to take to improve your sleep and life quality.  

They Can Prescribe You Medication

At times, insomnia can be very severe and cause major hindrances in people’s lives. Exhaustion because of insomnia can cause them to fall asleep randomly during important moments like in meetings or while driving. If insomnia is extremely disruptive in your daily life, you might need to take medication to treat it. Doctors are licensed to prescribe you medication if needed. They know what works best to treat it and will recommend it to you based on your condition.

If you’re looking for a sleep disorder doctor in Midland, TX, then we have just the professional for you. Dr. John D. Bray MD is a speed disorder specialist in Midland, TX, and specializes in various types of parasomnias. He also deals in allergies, asthma, and pulmonary conditions. He has been certified by the American Board of Asthma, Allergy, and Immunology, as well as the American Board of Sleep Disorders.

So, if you’re having difficulties breathing and sleeping, then don’t hesitate and give Dr. John D. Bray MD a call at 432-561-8183 to book your appointment.

By |August 14th, 2021|Blog|0 Comments

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