
Sleep apnea, snoring, insomnia, restless leg, effects of poor sleep on your health, and much more.
Fort Stockton is a quaint city with pleasantly warm weather for most days of the year. However, when the weather begins to change in this region, it becomes a haven for all sorts of allergens. Children are often the most susceptible to allergy attacks from airborne particles.
Dr. Bray has been working as a physician in West Texas for over thirty years now. He holds certifications from the American Board of Asthma, Allergy & Immunology. He’s also a member of the American Board of Pediatrics and the American Board of Sleep Disorders.
His experience and education make him a reliable source of information, insight and treatment for your health condition.
Moreover, Dr. Bray’s team includes highly-trained specialists for the treatment of asthma and sleep disorders. The staff caters to numerous respiratory illnesses and has access to top-quality medical equipment for effective diagnoses.
Fort Stockton residents can gain access to our advanced care options at highly affordable rates. Our team holds decades’ worth of experience in treating allergy attacks. Sinus infections, fevers and congested nasal pathways are some of the more commonly reported allergy problems at our clinic. Any time young people face an allergy, they are also prone to developing lingering health problems on the side such as asthma.
Asthma can be caused by the inflammation of air passages and can make breathing incredibly difficult. If you or your loved one is battling a chronic case of asthma, please do visit our clinic.
Dr. Bray is well equipped to help you find long-lasting solutions to your respiratory illness. He also serves patients with pulmonary conditions such as recurrent pneumonia and bronchitis.
If you have a sleep disorder such as insomnia, sleep apnea, narcolepsy, parasomnia or snoring, Dr. Bray and his team can help you find a way around it. Their state of the art Sleep Center of the Southwest is a top-notch sleep facility that can help customize treatment plans for your condition.
When you first visit our clinic, Dr. Bray will administer a comprehensive physical history examination. Following some preliminary measures, Dr. Bray will conduct some tests to check your responsiveness to certain treatment plans.
If you’re looking for specialist care for your sleep, allergy or respiratory condition, give us a call at 432-561-8183. Dr. Bray and his team will be in touch with you for an appointment shortly. For a detailed health analysis, feel free to complete these questionnaires before your visit.
Dr. John D. Bray
606 B N. Kent St.
Midland, TX 79701