
Sleep apnea, snoring, insomnia, restless leg, effects of poor sleep on your health, and much more.
There are more than 26 million adults and 3 million children living with asthma in the U.S. Finding the right specialist for allergies can be difficult. You need a specialist who understands your overall needs. You need a specialist who listens to your problems and devises a treatment plan accordingly.
Dr. John D. Bray is an allergy specialist who uses holistic methods to treat a wide range of health-related problems.
Dr. Bray and his staff offer their expertise and care services to the residents of Denver City. Dr. Bray has been working as a physician in West Texas for over thirty years now. He is a certified physician from the American Board of Asthma, Allergy & Immunology. He’s also a member of the American Board of Pediatrics, Medicine & Clinical Polysomnograph and American Board of Sleep Disorders.
Not only does his experience and expertise make him reliable and credible, his years of experience means he has all the resources and tools to cater to all your needs.
Denver City residents can gain access to our advanced care options at highly affordable rates. Whether it’s seasonal allergies or asthma attacks, Dr. Bray’s team has experience worth decades in treating allergy and asthma attacks.
From sinus infections to chest congestion, allergies and asthma cause myriad of problems.
When you first visit Dr. John D. Bray, he will conduct a few tests and examinations to better understand your symptoms. He will take into account your medical history as well. This would allow him to create a treatment plan to help you manage your condition effectively.
These tests include skin and blood tests. Don’t worry; we will make sure your visit to our clinic is comfortable and stress-free!
If you’re looking for specialist care for your asthma, allergy or respiratory condition, give us a call at 432-561-8183. Dr. Bray will be in touch with you for an appointment shortly. For a detailed health analysis, feel free to complete these questionnaires before you visit our clinic.
Dr. John D. Bray
606 B N. Kent St.
Midland, TX 79701