
Sleep apnea, snoring, insomnia, restless leg, effects of poor sleep on your health, and much more.
I want to thank you for visiting my website. It is my job to make sure our patients receive the best possible specialty medical care that my staff and I can provide every day! Hopefully some of the information that you find here will be of help. If you have any questions or would like to make and appointment give us a call!
432-561-8183 Current Pollen, Mold, Dust Count
Serving the Entire Permian Basin: Midalnd, TX - Odessa, TX - Big Spring, TX - Andrews, TX - Pecos, TX - Ft. Stockton, TX - Rankin, TX - Stanton, TX - Crane, TX - Monahans, TX - Alpine, TX - Seminole, TX - Brownfield, TX - Minetown, TX - Hobbs, NM - Artesia, NM